Sunday 14 March 2010


Entre a efervescência da alma, os mistérios dos múltiplos desejos e pasmado ante a simples verdade de que nada pode vencer os sentimentos, essa semana me calo. O silêncio às vezes diz muito mais. Uma ótima semana a todos!

E quando estamos perdidos, batemos na porta onde há luz na varanda!

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About Me

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I am one of those guys with a fat address book - maybe because all my friends tell I'm charming and clever! But as far as I´m concerned, friendship is a club of seven people which was fully by the time I was 25. We all share the same interests, and we don´t make any demands on one another in emotional terms - which is something I would avoid like the plague. It´s not that I don´t like making new friends easily...They have to cativate me at first...We all grew up in the same social, professional and geographical world that we now occupy as adults. The group of seven offers me as much security and intimacy as I require!